Worm Wiki
You made sacrifices, you made sacrifices on the behalf of others, and you made the hard calls, but it was all for something greater. I bet you think you won’t have any regrets at the end.

It’s been some time since I lost sleep because of a heavy conscience.

Weaver and Doctor Mother, Extinction 27.2

Doctor Mother is the leader of Cauldron.


Doctor Mother is an ordinary human; she does not have any parahuman powers, though she had the potential for a natural trigger event.[3] She is a dark-skinned woman with long hair, and dresses in attire resembling that of a doctor. She is emotionally detached and well-spoken, speaking English with a French accent.[4]



The early life of the woman who would come to be known as "Doctor Mother" is unknown; she is originally from the Ivory Coast,[5] but little other information is available.

She was stranded in another dimension when Eden collided with earth in 1981, and followed Fortuna to where Eden was forming her body. She helped the little girl kill the Entity, and equipped with Eden's corpse and knowledge of the two Entities' plans, she and Contessa formed Cauldron to find a way to kill Scion and save humanity.

Doctor Mother was the leader of Cauldron's anti-Scion efforts. She kept the nature of their foe a secret to prevent panic and disruption while either giving or selling superpowers to people. She also ordered the kidnapping of civilians and testing their superpower serums on them - these then became known as 'Case 53' capes.

Gold Morning[]

During Scion's attack and the Irregulars' raid on Cauldron's headquarters, Doctor Mother was found trying to get to safety. As Scion got closer and closer, she was convinced by the people around her to drink a Cauldron Vial in hopes for a power to save themselves. However, the glass vial is shattered, and before she could drink the vial from the floor, she is accidently killed by Sveta, who lost control and needed a target to attack.[6]

Chapter Appearances[]

Worm Chapter Appearances
1. Plague 12.1 Absent
2. Plague 12.2 Absent
3. Plague 12.3 Absent
4. Plague 12.4 Absent
5. Plague 12.5 Absent
6. Plague 12.6 Absent
7. Plague 12.7 Absent
8. Plague 12.8 Absent
x. Interlude 12 Absent
y. Interlude 12.5 Debut
1. Prey 14.1 Absent
2. Prey 14.2 Absent
3. Prey 14.3 Absent
4. Prey 14.4 Absent
5. Prey 14.5 Absent
6. Prey 14.6 Absent
7. Prey 14.7 Absent
8. Prey 14.8 Absent
9. Prey 14.9 Absent
10. Prey 14.10 Absent
11. Prey 14.11 Absent
x. Interlude 14.x Absent
y. Interlude 14.y Appears
1. Colony 15.1 Absent
x. Interlude 15.x Absent
2. Colony 15.2 Absent
3. Colony 15.3 Absent
y. Interlude 15.y Absent
4. Colony 15.4 Absent
5. Colony 15.5 Absent
6. Colony 15.6 Absent
7. Colony 15.7 Absent
z. Interlude 15.z Appears
8. Colony 15.8 Absent
9. Colony 15.9 Absent
10. Colony 15.10 Absent
i. Interlude 15 Absent
1. Scourge 19.1 Absent
2. Scourge 19.2 Absent
3. Scourge 19.3 Absent
x. Interlude 19.x Absent
4. Scourge 19.4 Absent
5. Scourge 19.5 Absent
6. Scourge 19.6 Mentioned
7. Scourge 19.7 Absent
y. Interlude 19.y Absent
z. Interlude 19.z Absent
1. Chrysalis 20.1 Absent
2. Chrysalis 20.2 Absent
3. Chrysalis 20.3 Absent
4. Chrysalis 20.4 Absent
5. Chrysalis 20.5 Absent
x. Interlude 20.x Absent
y. Interlude 20.y Mentioned
1. Imago 21.1 Absent
2. Imago 21.2 Absent
3. Imago 21.3 Absent
4. Imago 21.4 Absent
5. Imago 21.5 Absent
6. Imago 21.6 Absent
7. Imago 21.7 Absent
x. Interlude 21.x Appears
y. Interlude 21.y Absent
1. Cell 22.1 Absent
2. Cell 22.2 Absent
3. Cell 22.3 Absent
4. Cell 22.4 Absent
5. Cell 22.5 Absent
6. Cell 22.6 Absent
x. Interlude 22.x Absent
y. Interlude 22.y Appears
1. Drone 23.1 Absent
2. Drone 23.2 Mentioned
3. Drone 23.3 Absent
4. Drone 23.4 Absent
5. Drone 23.5 Absent
x. Interlude 23 Absent
1. Scarab 25.1 Absent
2. Scarab 25.2 Absent
3. Scarab 25.3 Absent
4. Scarab 25.4 Absent
5. Scarab 25.5 Appears
6. Scarab 25.6 Absent
x. Interlude 25 Absent
1. Sting 26.1 Absent
2. Sting 26.2 Absent
3. Sting 26.3 Absent
x. Interlude 26.x Mentioned
4. Sting 26.4 Absent
5. Sting 26.5 Absent
6. Sting 26.6 Absent
a. Interlude 26a Absent
b. Interlude 26b Absent
y. Interlude 26 Absent
1. Extinction 27.1 Absent
2. Extinction 27.2 Appears
3. Extinction 27.3 Absent
4. Extinction 27.4 Mentioned
5. Extinction 27.5 Absent
x. Interlude 27.x Flashback
y. Interlude 27.y Absent
1. Cockroaches 28.1 Appears
2. Cockroaches 28.2 Absent
3. Cockroaches 28.3 Absent
4. Cockroaches 28.4 Absent
5. Cockroaches 28.5 Appears
6. Cockroaches 28.6 Mentioned
x. Interlude 28 Point of View
1. Venom 29.1 Absent
2. Venom 29.2 Absent
3. Venom 29.3 Mentioned
4. Venom 29.4 Mentioned
5. Venom 29.5 Mentioned
6. Venom 29.6 Mentioned
7. Venom 29.7 Appears
8. Venom 29.8 Mentioned
9. Venom 29.9 Absent
x. Interlude 29 Appears
1. Speck 30.1 Absent
2. Speck 30.2 Absent
3. Speck 30.3 Mentioned
4. Speck 30.4 Absent
5. Speck 30.5 Absent
6. Speck 30.6 Absent
7. Speck 30.7 Absent

Fanart Gallery[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fortuna exchanged a glance with the ‘Doctor’. She could see the stress in the Doctor’s expression. The woman had taken on a moniker, to give just a little protection to her real identity. Easier to have an adult handling the negotiating and person-to-person interaction. Fortuna was young, and people wouldn’t be so inclined to drink a strange substance offered by a child. - Interlude 29
  2. “They love things like that,” Imp said. “Loved? Should I use past tense? It’s different now.”

    “Is it?” Ashley asked.

    “Instead of a middle aged doctor woman who you could sort of respect for trying to do things right, we have a terminally ingrown taint-hair in an ugly sweater.”

    “You’re being too kind to Doctor Mother,” Sveta said. “She was a monster.”

    “I’m not going to say you’re wrong,” Imp replied, “But-” - Dying 15.2
  3. “Doctor,” I said.  “You don’t have powers, right?”

    “I don’t,” the Doctor said.  “But I have a corona pollentia.”

    “What do you mean?” I asked.  “You have the potential for power?”

    “I do.  I could theoretically trigger.  If someone has the potential and takes the dose, there is a higher chance of deviation.” - Venom 29.7
  4. Observation from Jamie in Interlude 12.5
  5. Interlude 28
  6. Sveta's tendrils continued to extend, stretching out.

    Each one chose the Doctor as the mark.

    "Had to pick someone," Sveta whispered. "Couldn't focus on him alone. I'm sorry, but you're the best choice."

    The tendrlis found points closer to the Doctor's midsection, crushing.

    The Doctor's screams became strangled.

    Sveta coiled around the Doctor, burying the woman beneath overlapping tendrils, until there was a cocoon and a girl's face, curled up on the stairs. Blood pooled beneath them. -Excerpt from Venom 29.7

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Leader Doctor Mother 
Members Alexandria Balminder Contessa The Clairvoyant The Custodian Doormaker Eidolon Harbinger Clones  (Harbinger I Harbinger II  • Harbinger III Harbinger IV Harbinger V ) • Hero Legend William Manton The Number Man Pretender The Slug 